# Commands

Commands are written in one of the following ways: !command or /command Example: !mute, /mute, !мут, /мут

Also, there are commands that are written directly in the chat language, for example: мут, бан, кик, варн

To do this, you need to activate the toggle switch "Enable command synonyms (opens new window)" in the section "Manual moderation"

# Commands for administrators

Can only be used by chat administrators, not available to regular users. Enable "Allow chat administrators to call bot commands (opens new window)" in the user rights settings in the personal account.

In the "User Rights Settings" block, you can also set a separate list of users (opens new window), which can control the bot using commands.

# /on - enable the bot

It is written in the form: !on, /on

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /off – turn off the bot, suspend its operation

You can turn off the bot for a while without deleting it from the chat.

It is written in the form: !off, /off

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /mute (time and username via @ or id) – send the user to silent mode, that is, the person will not be able to write in the chat

It is written in the form: !mute, /mute, !мут, /мут**

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

Example: !Mute 2d 3h @annana - user @annana will not be able to chat for 2 days and 3 hours

# /dmute - send the user to silent mode for 1 day

The /mute and /mute commands are different than what the latter automatically sends to silent mode for 1 day.

It is written in the form: !mute, /mute

How it is used: by responding to a user message; or by entering a command and a username.

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !dmute @annana – user @annana will not be able to chat for 1 day

# /mute_media (time and specifying username via @ or id) – prohibit the user from sending photos and videos

It is written in the form: !mute_media, /mute_media

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

Example: !mute_media2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send photos and videos in the chat 2 days

# /dmute_media (specifying username via @ or id) – prohibit the user from sending photos and videos for 1 day

It is written in the form: !mute_media, /mute_media

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !dmute_media @annana – user @annana will not be able to send photos and videos in the chat for 1 day

It is written in the form: !mute_inline, /mute_inline

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

Example: !mute_inline 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send stickers and links in the chat for 2 days

It is written in the form: !dmute_inline, /dmute_inline

How it is used: by responding to a user message; or by entering a command and a username.

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !dmute_inline @annana – user @annana will not be able to send stickers and links in the chat for 1 day

# /mute_invite (time and specifying username via @ or id) – prohibit inviting users

It is written in the form: !mute_unmute, /mute_unmute

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

Example: !mute_invite 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to invite users in the chat for 2 days

# /dmute_invite (specifying username via @ or id) – prohibit inviting users for 1 day

It is written in the form: !dmute_invite, /dmute_invite

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !dmute_invite @annana – user @annana will not be able to invite users in the chat for 1 day

# /mute_pools (time and username via @ or id) - disable polling

It is written in the form: !mute_pools, /mute_pools

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

Example: !mute_pools 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send polls in the chat for 2 days

# /dmute_pools (specifying username via @ or id) – prohibit conducting surveys for 1 day

It is written in the form: !dmute_pools, /dmute_pools

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !dmute_pools @annana – user @annana will not be able to send polls in the chat for 1 day

# /ban (time and specifying username via @ or id) - exclude the user from the chat forever. Or exclude it with an indication of the time when he will be able to return.

If you use the /ban command, the user will be blacklisted in the chat forever until you unban him with the /unban command or manually exclude him from the list. If you use /ban with time indication, note /ban 1h - the user will be banned for 1 hour and then will be automatically excluded from the blacklist and will be able to return to the chat.

It is written in the form: !ban, /ban, !бан, /бан

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1m (1 минута), 1d (1 день)

For example: !ban 30d @annana – user @annana will not be able to return to the chat for 30 days !ban @annana – user @annana will not be able to return to the chat until you exclude her from the blacklist of chat users.

# /warn (specifying username via @ or id) – warning the user about the violation

A warning is issued to the user

It is written in the form: !warn, /warn, !варн, /варн

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /kick (specifying username via @ or id) – excluding the user from the conversation with the opportunity to return immediately after exiting

It is written in the form: !kick, /kick, !кик, /кик

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /kickall – "Attack mode" - after enabling this mode, the bot will prohibit new users from entering the chat to protect the chat from bot attacks

It is written in the form: !kick all, /kick all

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /kickalloff - disable attack mode

It is written in the form: !kick all of, /kick all off

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /kickallnew – expel from the chat all users who joined the chat on their own.

It is written in the form: !kick all new, /kick all new

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /unmute (specifying username via @ or id) – removes the punishment from the user /mute

It is written in the form: !mute , /unmute

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /unban - removes the penalty from the user /ban

It is written in the form: !unban , /unban

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /unwarn - clears all warnings from the user

It is written in the form: !unban, /unwarn

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /reset_brand – (the command is available for branded bots) reset the brandbot from the chat.

It is written in the form: !reset_brand, /reset_brand

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /filter_stick_pack - add a sticker pack to the list of sticker pack filters

It is written as: !filter_stick_pack, /filter_stick_pack

How it is used: by responding to a user's message with a sticker

Who uses: chat admins

# /filter_stop_word – add a word or phrase to the stopword filter list

It is written in the form: !filter_stop_word, /filter_stop_word

How to use it: send a chat message with the team and list the words separated by a space. To add phrases, use the filter settings in your personal account.

Who uses: chat admins

For example: /filter_stop_word lol salaam sale

# /pin - pin the post in the chat

It is written in the form: !pin , /pin

How it is used: by responding to a user's message

Who uses: chat admins

# /unpin - unpin a post in a chat

It is written in the form: !pin , /unpin

How it is used: by responding to a user's message

Who uses: chat admins

# /unpinall – unpin all pinned chat posts

It is written in the form: !unpinall , /unpinall

How it is used: by responding to a user's message

Who uses: chat admins

# /repin – pin the message to the group. Intended for an attached channel to a chat

It is intended for a new function – discussion. If Telegram sends a post from the channel to the group, the bot will unpin the post and pin the message to which the /repin command was sent To execute these commands, the bot must have the right to pin messages!

It is written in the form: !repin, /repin

How it is used: reply to a message

Who uses: chat admins

# /unrepin – unpin a message in a group pinned with the command /repin

The reverse of the /repin command. Unpin the message. When forwarding from the post channel, the bot will do nothing. To execute these commands, the bot must have the right to pin messages!

It is written in the form: !un repin, /un repin

How it is used: replying to a pinned message

Who uses: chat admins

# /msg - a message with such a command will be sent on behalf of the bot. HTML markup available

It is written in the form: !msg , /msg

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Example: /msg Hi, how are you?

Who uses: chat admins

# /dm – the command is sent in response to the user's message that you want to delete

It is written in the form: !dm, /dm

How it is used: by responding to a user's message

Who uses: chat admins

# /purge – delete all chat messages after the messages you answered with the command.

It is written in the form: !purge, /purge

How it is used: by responding to any message

Who uses: chat admins

# /purge_user – delete chat messages from a specific user in 48 hours

It is written in the form: !purge_user, /purge_user

How it is used: by responding to a message from a user whose messages need to be deleted

Who uses: chat admins

# /reload_admins – updates the list of administrators and synchronizes them with the personal account if the chat is not displayed for admins

Synonyms of this command are also available: /reload, /update

It is written as: !reload_admins, /reload_admins, !reload, /reload, !update, /update

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /un – remove restrictions for 5 minutes and do not use filters per user

It is written in the form: !un, /un

How it is used: send a message with a team and username, or a response to a user's message

Who uses: chat admins

# /addwl – add a user to the whitelist to give immunity to the automatic action of filters. Does not apply to the punishment commands entered manually.

Synonyms of this command are also available: /bot add admin

It is written in the form: !addwl, /addwl, !botaddadmin, /botaddadmin

How to use it: send a chat message with the team and the username, or send a command in response to the user's message.

Who uses: chat admins

# /delwl - removes the user's immunity to filters and removes it from the white list.

Synonyms of this command are also available: /botdeladmin

It is written in the form: !/delwl, /delwl, !botdeladmin, /botdeladmin

How to use it: send a chat message with the team and the username, or send a command in response to the user's message.

Who uses: chat admins

# /testlog – information about the status of the connected log

The command is necessary to check the operation of the log. The log status can be connected/not connected.

It is written in the form: !test log, /test log

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /lastlog – show the 5 latest events of your chat. Also /slastlog

Log entries will be sent to the chat. To send events to a personal account, use the prefix "s". Example: /slastlog

It is written in the form: !lastlog, /lastlog

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /dellog – delete the log channel, disable the log

It is written in the form: !dellog, /dellog

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /setlog - command to connect a channel with a log.

The command is sent to the channel where the log entries will be published. In response to the command /set log, you will receive a unique message with a code, forward it ** with an arrow ** (required!) to the chat to which you connect the magazine.

It is written in the form: !setlog, /setlog

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /update_keyboard – display and update the keyboard in the chat.

It is written in the form: !update_keyboard, /update_keyboard

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetrep – reset or reset the reputation of a particular user

You can manually use this command to reset the reputation of a specific user. Positive and negative reputations are reset.

It is written in the form: !resetrep , /resetrep

How it is used: by responding to a user's message, or by sending a message with a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetallrep - reset or reset the reputation of all users. Positive and negative reputations are reset.

It is written in the form: !resetallrep , /resetallrep

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetfilters - reset the filter action limit for the user

It is written in the form: !resetfilters , /resetfilters

How it is used: by responding to a user's message, or by sending a message with a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /reset all filters - reset warnings of all filters for all chat users.

Warnings about the operation of filters will not be sent to the chat.

It is written in the form: !reset all filters , /reset all filters

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetap - reset or reset the action points of a specific user

It is written in the form: !resetap, /resetap

How it is used: by responding to a user's message, or by sending a message with a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetallap - reset or reset action points for all chat users

It is written in the form: !resetallap, /resetallap

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetxp - reset the experience to a specific user

It is written in the form: !reset xp, /resetxp

How it is used: by responding to a user's message, or by sending a message with a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetallxp - reset the experience for all chat users

It is written in the form: !resetallxp, /resetallxp

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetrank - reset the rank to a specific user

It is written in the form: !resetrank, /resetrank

How it is used: by responding to a user's message, or by sending a message with a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /resetallrank - reset the rank for all chat users

It is written in the form: !resetallrank, /reset all rank

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /trcareset - clearing a trigger call for a specific user

It is written in the form: !trcareset, /trcareset

How it is used: send a message with a team and username

Who uses: chat admins

# /trwareset - clearing warnings in a trigger for a specific user

It is written in the form: !trial reset, /trial reset

How it is used: send a message with a team and username

Who uses: chat admins

# /rooff – open the chat for all users

It is written in the form: !roof, /roof

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /ro - close the chat for all chat participants except administrators

It is written in the form: !ro, /ro

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /roall - the creator of the chat closes it for everyone

It is written in the form: !roll, /roll

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: chat creator

# /sup_add_user_reputation – add a positive reputation to a specific user

Be sure to specify the number of added positive reputations. Without specifying a number, the command will not work.

It is written in the form: !sup_add_user_reputation number, /sp_add_user_reputation number

How it is used: by responding to a user's message indicating the number of reputations, or by sending a message with a command, a username and the number of reputations

Who uses: admins only

Example: !sap_add_user_reputation 5, /sup_add_user_reputation 5. The user was given 5 reputation points. Example with negative reputation output: !sup_add_user_reputation -3, /sup_add_user_reputation -3

# /sup_add_anti_user_reputation - add a negative reputation to a specific user

Be sure to specify the number of added negative reputations. Without specifying a number, the command will not work.

It is written in the form: !sup_and_anti_user_reputation number, /sp_add_anti_user_reputation number

How it is used: by responding to a user's message with a number, or by sending a message with a command, username and number.

Who uses: admins only

Example: !sup_and_anti_user_reputation 10, /sup_and_anti_user_reputation 10. The user was given 10 points of negative reputation.

# /sup_add_user_xp – add experience to a specific user

It is written in the form: !sup_add_user_xp number, /sp_add_user_xp number

How it is used: by responding to a user's message with a number, or by sending a message with a command, username and number.

Who uses: admins only

Example: !sap_add_user_xp 5, /sup_add_user_xp 5. The user was given 5 experience points.

Example with negative experience output: !sap_add_user_xp -3, /sp_add_user_xp -3

# /sup_add_user_ap - add action points to a specific user

Be sure to specify the number of added action points. Without specifying a number, the command will not work.

It is written in the form: !sup_add_user_ap number, /sp_add_user_ap number

How it is used: by responding to a user's message with a number, or by sending a message with a command, username and number.

Who uses: admins only

Example: !sap_add_user_ap 5, /sup_add_user_ap 5. The user was given 5 action points.

# /sup_set_user_rank - give a rank to a specific user

In the rank settings, you can set a list with the rank's ordinal number, its name and the required number of points. To issue a rank, use the indication of its ordinal number. If the rank "Outstanding" is listed at number 6, specify *!sup_set_user_rank 6

It is written in the form: !sip_set_user_rank number, /sup_set_user_rank number

How it is used: by responding to a user's message with a number, or by sending a message with a command, username and number.

Who uses: admins only

Example: !sup_set_user_rank 4, /sup_set_user_rank 4. The user was given the rank "Known".

# /siteaddadmin – adding to the list of users who change the bot settings on the site

The users you add with this command will be able to change the bot settings on the site (personal account/admin panel). The list of added users can be viewed in the cabinet in the "User Rights Settings".

It is written in the form: !siteaddadmin, /siteaddadmin

How it is used: reply to a message from the user you want to add

Who uses: chat admins

# /sitedeladmin - remove from the list of users who change the bot settings on the site

With this command, you exclude the user from the list of those who change the bot settings on the site.

It is written in the form: !sitedeladmin, /sitedeladmin

How it is used: reply to a message from the user you want to add

Who uses: chat admins

# /reslim - reset all user warnings

It is written in the form: !reslim, /reslim

How it is used: reply to a user message or a message with a team and username

Who uses: chat admins

The links that you reset with this command will be invalid. The user will not be able to click on them and join the chat. The /revoke link command only works by specifying the link that needs to be reset.

It is written in the form: !revokelink, /revokelink

How to use: send a chat message with a command and a link

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !revokelink https://t.me/+cG7h_ullBct1tzIy

# /testmode – "Test mode" - After enabling the mode, the limit on the greeting in the chat is disabled for an hour, which will help when testing the chat, so that the user can exit and enter the chat to check the greeting

It is written in the form: !test mode, /test mode

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /testmodeoff - disable test mode

It is written in the form: !testmodeoff, /testmodeoff

How it is used: by the command in the message

Who uses: chat admins

# /setconfig - restore chat settings. Return to the previous setting.

It is written in the form: !setconfig, /setconfig

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /lasttopmsg (Advanced tariff) - top active users with the number of messages for each

Пишется в виде: !lasttopmsg, /lasttopmsg. Также, за определенный период времени, наприммер /lasttopmsg 7d - топ 7 дней

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

How to use: send a message with a command, or send a message with a command and a time indication.

Who uses: chat admins

# /statusmsg - displays the messages of the specified user for the last 48 hours

It is written in the form: !statusmsg, /statusmsg

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

Example: !statusmsg @anna

# /status - find out information about the user (date of entering the chat, how many days of continuous messages, reputation)

It is written in the form: !status, /status

How it is used: by replying to a message; or the command and username are entered

Who uses: chat admins

# Commands for all chat users

Commands that can be called by all chat users. They are sent by users directly to the chat.

# Reputation commands:

# /toprep – топ пользователей с самой высокой репутацией за все время

It is written in the form: /toprep, !toprep

How it is used: send a message with a command like: /toprep 10

Who uses: all chat users

# /bottomrep - топ пользователей с самой низкой репутацией за все время

It is written in the form: !bottomrep, /bottomrep

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomrep - топ пользователей с наименьшим количеством репутаций за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lastbottomrep 1m

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: !lastbottomrep time, /lastbottomrep time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: !lastbottomrep 1d

# /lasttoprep - топ пользователей с наибольшим количеством репутаций за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lasttoprep 1m

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: !lasttoprep time, /lasttoprep time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: !lasttoprep 1m

# /lasttoprep cm 20 – показать топ-20 пользователей с наибольшим количеством репутаций за текущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lasttoprep cm 20, /lasttoprep cm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lasttoprep pm 20 – показать топ-20 пользователей с наибольшим количеством репутаций за предыдущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lasttoprep pm 20, /lasttoprep pm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomrep cm 20 – топ-20 пользователей с наименьшим количеством репутаций за текущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lastbottomrep cm 20, /lastbottomrep cm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomrep pm 20 – топ-20 пользователей с наименьшим количеством репутаций за предыдущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lastbottomrep pm 20, /lastbottomrep pm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# Experience commands:

# /topxp – top experience issued by users for all time

It is written in the form:/topxp, !topxp

How to use: send a message with a command, you can specify the number of users

Who uses: all chat users

Пример: /topxp 10 - покажет топ-10 пользователей по количеству опыта

# /bottomxp - top users with the least amount of experience

It is written in the form: !bottom, /bottom xp

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomxp топ пользователей с наименьшим количеством опыта за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lastbottomxp сm 20

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: !lastbottomxp time , /lastbottomxp time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: /lastbottomxp cm 20

# /lasttopxp - топ пользователей с наибольшим количеством опыта за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lasttopxp cm 20

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: !lasttopxp time , /lasttopxp time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: /lasttopxp cm 20

# /lasttopxp cm 20 – топ-20 опыта за текущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lasttopxp cm 20, /lasttopxp cm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lasttopxp pm 20 – топ-20 опыта за предыдущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lasttopxp pm 20, /lasttopxp pm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomxp сm 20 – топ-20 опыта, выданного ботом, за текущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lastbottomxp cm 20, /lastbottomxp cm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomxp pm 20 - топ-20 опыта, выданного ботом, за предыдущий месяц

It is written in the form: !lastbottomxp pm 20, /lastbottomxp pm 20

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# Teams by action points:

# /topap – топ пользователей с наибольшим количеством очков действий за все время

It is written in the form: /topap, !topap

How to use: send a message with a command, you can specify the number of users

Who uses: all chat users

Example: /topap 10

# /bottomap - топ пользователей с наименьшим количеством очков действий за все время

It is written in the form: /bottomap, !bottomap

How to use: send a message with a command, you can specify the number of users

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottomap - топ пользователей с наименьшим количеством очков действий за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указание временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lastbottomap сm 20

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: /lastbottomap time, !lastbottomap time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: /lastbottomap cm 20

# /lasttopap - топ пользователей с наибольшим количеством очков действий за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lasttopap cm 20

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

# User Activity commands:

# /topmsg - топ самых общительных пользователей за все время

It is written in the form: !topmsg, /topmsg

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /bottommsg - топ самых молчаливых пользователей за все время

It is written in the form: !bottommsg, /bottommsg

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /lastbottommsg - топ самых молчаливых пользователей за определенное время

Внимание! Команда работает только с указанием временного периода для поиска. Прим: /lasttopap cm 20

Время: 1s (1 секунда), 1h (1 час), 1d (1 день), 1m (1 месяц), 1y (1 год), pm (предыдущий месяц), cm (текущий месяц), 30-31 (период), 30.07-31.07 (период), 30.07.24-31.07.24 (календарный период), 30.07.2024-31.07.2024 (календарный период в формате: дата.месяц.год-дата.месяц.год.), p1d (предыдущий 1 день), p1m (предыдущий 1 месяц), p1y (предыдущий 1 год), pi1d (предыдущий целый 1 день), pi1m (предыдущий целый 1 месяц), pi1y (предыдущий целый 1 год)

It is written in the form: !lastbottommsg time, /lastbottommsg time

How to use it: send a message to the chat with a command and time indication.

Who uses: all chat users

Example: /lasttopap cm 20

# Teams by rank:

# /toprank - list of users with the highest rank

It is written in the form: !toprank, /toprank

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /bottomrank- list of users with the lowest rank

It is written in the form: !bottomrank, /bottomrank

How to use: send a chat message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# Referrer teams:

# /topref - the best referrers that attracted the largest number of users

It is written in the form: !/topref, /topref

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /bottomref - the worst referrers that attracted the least number of users

It is written in the form: !bottomref, /bottomref

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /me - find out information about yourself (date of entering the chat, how many days of continuous messages, reputation, rank, who invited)

It is written in the form: !me, /me

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /chat - find out the chat id

It is written in the form: !chat, /chat

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /test - checking the chat settings (if the message disappears immediately, then everything is fine)

It is written in the form: !test, /test

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

It is written in the form: !tc, /tc

Who uses: all chat users

# /ping - check if the bot is working (if everything is fine, the bot will send a message that starts with the word "pong")

It is written in the form: !ping, /ping

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# /report - report a member's message

It is written in the form: !report, /report

How it is used: by responding to a user's message

Who uses: all chat users

# /rmkb - remove keyboard (menu) in chat

It is written in the form: !rmb, /rmb

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: chat admins

# /rules - the rules for your chat that you wrote in the bot settings

It is written in the form: !rules, /rules

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

It is written in the form: !donate, /donate

How it is used: send a message with the command

Who uses: all chat users

# Global chat grid moderation commands

Global moderation teams will help admins manually restrict users in the entire chat grid at once, as well as massively perform quick actions (approx. send a message to all chats in this grid). If the admin applies the command in one chat, its effect immediately applies to all the chats of the grid to which they belong.

For example: the admin excludes the participant /gban @username in one chat. The participant is automatically excluded from the entire chat grid at once.

# /gmute - send a participant to silent mode in the entire chat grid. The participant will not be able to write

It is written in the form: !mute, /mute

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

Example: !gmute 2d 3h @annana – user @annana will not be able to write in the entire chat grid for 2 days and 3 hours

# /gunmute - снимает с участника наказание /gmute сразу во всей сетке чатов

It is written in the form: !gunmute, /gunmute

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /##/mute_media** - prohibit a participant from sending photos and videos in the entire chat grid

It is written in the form: !mute_media, /mute_media

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

Example: !gmute_media 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send photos and videos in the entire chat grid for 2 days.

It is written in the form: !gmute_inline, /gmute_inline

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

Example: !gmute_inline 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send stickers and links in the entire chat grid for 2 days

# /gmute_invite - prohibit a participant from inviting users in the entire chat grid

It is written in the form: !gmute_invite, /gmute_invite

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

Example: !gmute_invite 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to invite users in the entire chat grid for 2 days

# /gmute_pools - prohibit a participant from conducting surveys

It is written in the form: !gmute_pools, /gmute_pools

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

Example: !gmute_pools 2d @annana – user @annana will not be able to send polls in the entire chat grid for 2 days

# /gban exclude the user from the entire chat grid forever or with an indication of the time when he will be able to return.

If you use the /ban command, the user will be blacklisted in the chat grid forever, until you unban him with the /gunban command or manually exclude him from the list from each chat that is in the grid. If you use /gban with time indication, note /gban 1h - the user will be banned for 1 hour in the chat grid and then will be automatically excluded from the general blacklist and will be able to return to all chats.

It is written in the form: !gba, /gba

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command, a username and a time limit

Who uses: chat admins

Time: 1s (1 second), 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day)

For example: !gban 30d @annana – user @annana will be excluded from the entire chat grid and will not be able to return to them for 30 days !gban @annana – user @annana will be excluded from the entire chat grid until you exclude She is from the blacklist of users of these chats.

# **/## /gun ban - removes the punishment from the participant /ban immediately in the entire chat grid

It is written in the form: !gunman, /gunman

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /gkick exclusion of a participant from the entire chat grid with the opportunity to return immediately after exiting

It is written in the form: !gkick, /gkick

How it is used: by responding to a user's message; or by entering a command and a username

Who uses: chat admins

# /gmsg - a message with such a command will be sent on behalf of the bot to all chat grids. HTML markup is available

It is written in the form: !gmsg, /gmsg

How to use: send a message to the chat with the command

Example: /gmsg Hello, how are you?

Who uses: chat admins

# /gpin - pin a message to the entire chat grid

It is written in the form: !grin, /grin

How it is used: reply to a message

Who uses: chat admins

# /gnotify - Pin a message to the entire chat grid with a notification

It is written in the form: !gnotify, /gnotify

How it is used: reply to a message

Who uses: chat admins